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I don't believe that writing music is a talent you are just born with. I don't believe that writing music is something you must start doing at a young age. I know that formal music training is not for everyone. In a time where music creation has become more accessible than ever before, I believe that anyone with a passion can write.

I understand that everyone is different and we all learn in different ways. When I first picked up a guitar at 17, I wanted to learn to play Knights of Cydonia. It's all I wanted to do. When I picked up that guitar the thrill of playing those first few basic notes on high distortion through a tiny amp sparked my entire passion for music. Had I gone to formal lessons, learning to read music and spending all my time on scales, that spark wouldn't have come.

You don't need to read music, you don't need to be a virtuoso, you simply need a passion. I believe there are many excellent musicians out there that simply don't have the guidance or support in place to begin their journey. Helping those people, showing them that it's not as hard as they think is something I'm really passionate about.

I won't pretend I am anywhere near an expert in the industry, I'm not. I do however have over 10 years experience of writing music spanning multiple genres. If you're looking for an introduction into music production, I can provide solid guidance and tutoring through a fun and hands on approach, get in touch.

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