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About Mark Pendlebury


Mark Pendlebury is a songwriter and composer based in Fife, Scotland. Self-taught in all aspects of music, from playing to composing to recording, Mark does not rely on traditional methods when creating music, indeed he can't read a note of sheet music. He instead relies on experimentation and feel to write.

Starting out on GarageBand at 18, a wide array of influences has lead Mark in multiple directions since then, from writing music for Podcasts and Adverts, to writing, producing, and releasing his own album, as well as co-founding and writing for the band Sahara Dam. The latter endeavour lead to extensive experience playing across the south of the UK and many of London's prestigious grass-roots stages. 


Keen to push ahead with a career within music and audio, Mark is now focusing on building a catalogue of music whilst working collaboratively with Clients, from writing music to editing Podcasts. For a full rundown of what Mark could offer you, head over to the 'Services' page. 

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